Speaking of calibrating! I've got a UROP now at House_n. (Okay, technically I should be saying I "participate in a UROP" since UROP = Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program, but I don't recall anyone commonly saying it like that except the UROP website itself.) Currently I'm working on a project that involves small accelerometers, called "Wockets", that when placed on crucial parts of the body (such as the wrist, ankle, thigh, and arm) wirelessly transmit data about the user's movement to the user's cellphone to be stored. This data can then be used by various algorithms to determine some very interesting things such as what the person is doing and how much energy they are expending which doing what they're doing. The goal of this particular project is to craft a program that will give personalized health advice, determined by the data sent from the "Wockets". Pretty cool stuff, eh?
Besides gettin' into the swing of the UROP, I've been doing a little house keeping for blondegeek. I added some photos to the blondegeek facebook page (if you are on facebook and you are not a fan, I highly recommend that you become one, IMMBO (In My Most Biased Opinion)) and I have moved the shirts to my room with the intention of counting my true inventory.
Oops. Forgot to do part of my 18.02 p-set (small part, but still a part). Better get to that.
Posted by Tess |
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