Hope everyone's Halloween went along nicely. Some of my fellow floor mates and I went to "Spooky Skate" as it's called at the on campus ice rink, where I received much positive feedback (sorry about the ebay terminology there, but I've been playing with ebay today and it hasn't been playing nice. Apparently, you are not suppose to have any outside store urls listed, which is lame, but oh well that's how the cyber cookie crumbles) about my Mondrian dress. Makes me think that I should give a crack at sewing a few more getups, especially now that I found out that McCormick (another one of the MIT dorms) has a sewing room...*plot, plot, plot*
This is a resting weekend for me, when I pretty much will just stay in the dorm and work on homework, personal projects (ebay and facebook and inventory), and room maintenance (which so far is maintainable). I've done some recording with the wockets of me sitting and running. Unfortunately, the intermediate receiver seems to have trouble getting one of the wockets (maybe because of a bad battery or position on the wocket side) but its not bad enough to not get the gist of the data.
Catch you cats later! Have a great rest of the weekend!
Labels: ebay, MIT, Mondrian dress, november, wockets
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