You know how the "Blue Collar Comedy Tour" peeps have their "You might be a Redneck jokes"? Well, today in school my mind wasn't really focused on school stuff but instead business: t-shirt designs, php scripts, facebook apps, office supplies, so I've come up with some statements portraying the small business owner state of mind:
You might be a small (t-shirt) business owner if...
...when someone asks how your weekend went your response usually depends on whether you sold any t-shirts or not. often survey the people around you about which color you should make your next product.
...the majority of the stuff in your room is business related.
...your room is your office. give your business card to everyone you meet (even if its Kenneth Starr <- True Story!) can find a way to write off nearly anything as a business expense. were more excited about receiving your new Uline catalog than getting Harry Potter 7 when it came out.
To substantiate the above statements, I am in fact not only watching some news summaries about the Michigan Primary, but working on the layout for my facebook and myspace pages. Multitasking is amazing!
Posted by Tess |
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